phono/graph tokyo



















phono/graph –音、文字、グラフィック–




ginza graphic gallery / the 333rd exhibition
phono/graph –sound, letters, graphics–

9 May – 31 May, 2014
ginza graphic gallery (Tokyo, Japan)

Lyota Yagi
Nicole Schmid
Yukio Fujimoto

Presented by:
DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion

ggg archive

about “phono/graph”
gallery talk 1 (Yukio Fujimoto)
gallery talk 2  (Lyota yagi + Yusuke Mimasu)
gallery talk 3  (Lyota yagi + Yusuke Mimasu)

対談 “メディアは遊ばれるもの”
収録:2014年3月27日 八木良太 京都アトリエにて












































Discussion: “Media Is Something You Can Play With”
Yukio Fujimoto (F), Lyota Yagi (Y), and Yusuke Mimasu / intext (M)
Recorded on March 27, 2014 at Yagi’s studio in Kyoto


Y: Mimasu-san, when did you buy your first computer?

M: I guess it must have been in 1999.

F: What kind was it?

M: It was an iMac. It was one of the ones that came in five colors. In graphic design at the time, people were experimenting to see what kind of interesting visuals could be made with computers. They were making designs using computer distortions like noise and glitches, and then in the ’90s, that kind of approach started becoming more and more mainstream. Until around 2000, it became completely established.

F: How about you, Yagi-san?

Y: I got my first computer from my parents as a high-school entrance present.

F: What was it? What kind?

Y: It was a Performa 5220.

F: That was before the iMac, right?

Y: Yes. At that point, I started making postcards and posters as an extension of just playing around by combining extremely simple circles, squares, lines, and letters with the computer. So when I first had a chance to use Illustrator a few years after that, I was really amazed that you could make such beautiful curved lines so easily.

F: Wasn’t it like making lines and shapes was something completely different from putting writing inside of them?

Y: Exactly. It seemed more like they existed side by side than that they were mixed together. Making words or sounds on a computer didn’t seem to influence anything else; everything just moved in a straight line without ever intersecting.

M: With Illustrator, there was only one entrance, but it was possible to type in words and make graphics, and you could also manipulate images. That’s when it started to seem like you had the ability to create something attractive in a more expansive way.

Y: There was a real sense that as long as you had that you could do anything. You could play games, you could draw pictures, you could also make music. And that was also just at the time of the first Internet boom, and using the telephone line, you could receive email even if you were faraway.

F: That’s why it started to seem more and more like if you had a computer, you could do anything. Even so, there are people like DJs who go out of their way to use vinyl records and artists who use materials like clay. What makes these two things different?

Y: In the end, it’s a completely different sensation. I would never dream of doing something I could do with clay on a computer; I don’t really do anything that can be completed on a computer…

F: Mimasu-san, what do you think is the difference between making music on a computer and actually manipulating a record with your hands?

M: Well, let’s say you switch over to the big ship of computer media. You can do pretty much anything with a computer. In other words, you’re on a luxury liner. You can eat delicious food, there’s a concierge on board, and you also have access to all kinds of information. But for some reason the ability to do everything strikes me as boring. I hope digital technology keeps developing, but even though there’s so much freedom, there’s something exciting about switching from a big ship to a little boat and intentionally heading out into rougher seas. That’s the kind of sense I have about it.

Y: Same here. The things you can do on a computer are all about planning and execution, and the objective is very precise, but in a lot of cases when you use real things, you don’t have any idea what the result is going to be and lots of times no matter what you do, things just don’t go right. Of course, things don’t always go right with computers either, but that has to do with your own knowledge…

F: Right, the problem is the program. But you can’t use a computer without programming in things like noise and chance elements.

Y: But even then, compared to reality, things are much too clearcut.

F: The interesting thing is when things don’t go “the way you want them to.”

Y: That’s right.

F: Technological innovations cause people to reexamine old technology, and to discover something of value about a different aspect of it. In that sense, we’ve finally reached a point in history where things like paper books, records with sounds etched into them, and lead type have outlived their function as tools of transmission, and we can find something of value about different aspects of them. How do you see things like this?

Y: I have the sense that when a new tool appears, the old one doesn’t overwrite the other – the two continue to coexist because both of them have value. It seems to me that the polarization between old and new technology is just going to become more and more pronounced as time goes on.

M: Using present-day tools to understand the present is not necessarily directly linked to understanding the present. By reinvestigating objects and phenomena that are already over, I have the feeling that we can discover what is really necessary now.

F: Do you have any foresight into how things might play out in the future? Do you think we’ll just continue using computers to make everything there is to make? Or is some kind of change on the way?

M: About 600 years have passed between the advent of Gutenberg’s moveable metal type and ebooks. With this in mind, in another 600 years, the media is sure to change into something completely different.

F: I think you’re right. There’s no way that things could just stay the same.

M: It sure doesn’t seem like it. And when things change, the important thing isn’t the kind of media emerges, it’s what aspect of it will bring us satisfaction.

F: That might mean the kind of experience of reality we can get from it.

M: Right. In the jobs I get as a designer, there have recently been a lot of requests for things that “look like letterpress printing” or “paper with a tactile quality.”

F: Recently?

M: Yes, I think there’s really something to this. It seems like it might be a return to the physical, and if we’re going to shake off digital technology, media has to change and at the same time, human sensibilities also have to change in order to deal with it.

Y: It seems to me that the restriction of having to use a particular size of paper when you draw a picture with a computer is going to disappear. But in exchange of the loss of this framework, in which you have to work within the paper’s boundaries, some other kind of restriction will emerge. When a foundation of that kind is upended, being able to deal with the situation becomes a very important thing. It’s as if you’re being pressured to renew yourself.

M: Yes, I think that’s right.

Y: In trying to predict how media is going to change in the future, I think it might be possible to do something interesting by considering what has limited and supported present-day media and start by destroying those things – things like materials and methods.

M: Fujimoto-san, what do you think?

F: I have a feeling that tactile sensation is going to be the next thing. When you read a book, even if it’s an ebook, you’re holding something in your hand. Or with music too, maybe you’ll touch a certain thing when you listen to a certain song. It seems like it might be possible to create new encounters like this between materials and information. If so, a world might emerge that we haven’t experienced in the past. It doesn’t have anything to do with the past being better or anything like that, I believe that we have to move forward into a new world, and that if we don’t create a situation that’s different from the way it was in the past, we will have failed and nothing will be interesting. But the fact is, we have no idea what’s going to happen in the future. Unless people keep playing around, nothing interesting will ever be created.

M: The most interesting time might be when things are still “toys.”

F: Exactly. Printing type and vinyl records are toys too – that’s why they’re interesting.

Y: Right, because when something has a practical value, you can’t play with it like a toy.